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Processo de empreitada nº 46/74 - Construção da conduta adutora Sado-Morgavel - Aguasines-Empreitada de Adução Sado-Morgavel e Companhia, Lda.

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1974-11-19 Date is certain to 1991-06-24 Date is certain
Dimension and support
83 pt.; papel
Scope and content
Cota 22/19832/4 inclui provas fotográficas a cores

Cota 22/19852/3 - Acidentes geológicos; inclui provas fotográficas a cores

Cota 22/19853/3 - Pedido de indemnização da Sorefame/Aguasines

Cota 22/19855/3 - Renegociação do contrato com a Sorefame/Aguasines (Inf. DU/85/81 de 25/5/81); inclui caderno sobre o contencioso GAS/Aguasines
Physical location
22/19830/1, 22/19830/2, 22/19830/3, 22/19831/1, 22/19831/2, 22/19831/3, 22/19831/4, 22/19832/1, 22/19832/2, 22/19832/3, 22/19832/4, 22/19833/1, 22/19833/2, 22/19833/3, 22/19834/1, 22/19834/2, 22/19834/3, 22/19835/1, 22/19835/2, 22/19836/1, 22/19836/2, 22/19837/1, 22/19837/2, 22/19838/1, 22/19838/2, 22/19839/1, 22/19839/2, 22/19839/3, 22/19840/1, 22/19840/2, 22/19840/3, 22/19841/1, 22/19841/2, 22/19841/3, 22/19842/1, 22/19842/2, 22/19843/1, 22/19843/2, 22/19843/3, 22/19844/1, 22/19844/2, 22/19845/1, 22/19845/2, 22/19845/3, 22/19846/1, 22/19846/2, 22/19846/3, 22/19847/1, 22/19847/2, 22/19847/3, 22/19848/1, 22/19848/2, 22/19848/3, 22/19849/1, 22/19849/2, 22/19849/3, 22/19850/1, 22/19850/2, 22/19850/3, 22/19851/1, 22/19851/2, 22/19851/3, 22/19852/1, 22/19852/2, 22/19852/3, 22/19853/1, 22/19853/2, 22/19853/3, 22/19853/4, 22/19853/5, 22/19854/1, 22/19854/2, 22/19854/3, 22/19855/1, 22/19855/2, 22/19855/3, 22/19856/1, 22/19856/2, 22/19856/3, 22/19856/4, 22/19857/1, 22/19928/3, 22/20077/3
Previous location
cx. 3958, ref. 10305, ref. 10306 e ref. 10307; cx. 3959, ref. 10308, ref. 10309, ref. 10310 e ref. 10311; cx. 3960, ref. 10312, ref. 10313, ref. 10314 e ref. 10315; cx. 3961, ref. 10316, ref. 10317 e ref. 10318; cx. 3962, ref. 10319, ref. 10320 e ref. 10321; cx. 3963, ref. 10322 e ref. 10323; cx. 3964, ref. 10324 e ref. 10325; cx. 3965, ref. 10326 e ref. 10327; cx. 3966, ref. 10328 e ref. 10329; cx. 3967, ref. 10330, ref. 10331 e ref. 10332; cx. 3968, ref. 10333, ref. 10334 e ref. 10335; cx. 3969, ref. 10336, ref. 10337 e ref. 10338; cx. 3970, ref. 10339 e ref, 10340; cx. 3971, ref. 10341, ref. 10342 e ref. 10343; cx. 3972, ref. 10344 e ref. 10345; cx. 3973, ref. 10346, ref. 10347 e ref. 10348; cx. 3974, ref. 10349, ref. 10350 e ref. 10351; cx. 3975, ref. 10352, ref. 10353 e ref. 10354; cx. 3976, ref. 10355, ref. 10356 e ref. 10357; cx. 3977, ref. 10358, ref. 10359 e ref. 10360; cx. 3978, ref. 10361, ref. 10362 e ref. 10363; cx. 3979, ref. 10364, ref. 10365 e ref. 10366; cx. 3980. ref. 10367, ref. 10368 e ref. 10369; cx. 3981, ref. 10370, ref. 10371, ref. 10372, ref. 10373 e ref. 10374; cx. 3982, ref. 10375, ref. 10376 e ref. 10377; cx. 3983, ref. 10378, ref. 10379 e ref. 10380; cx. 3984, ref. 10381, ref. 10382, ref. 10383 e ref. 10384; cx. 3985, ref. 10385; cx. 4056, ref. 10621; cx. 4204, ref. 11284
Language of the material
Português, francês, inglês
Creation date
26/02/2014 15:19:41
Last modification
22/12/2014 12:07:56