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Processo de empreitada nº 30/74 - Construção das passagens superiores da R52 no cruzamento com a R41 - Sociedade de Construções Soares da Costa, SARL

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1974-04-08 Date is certain to 1982-03-10 Date is certain
Dimension and support
9 pt.; papel
Physical location
22/19812/3, 22/19813/1, 22/19813/2, 22/19813/3, 22/19814/1, 22/19814/2, 22/19815/1, 22/19815/2, 22/19815/3
Previous location
cx. 3940, ref. 10241; cx. 3941, ref. 10242, ref. 10243 e ref. 10244; cx. 3942, ref. 10245, ref. 10246 e ref. 10247; cx. 3943, ref. 10248, ref. 10249 e ref. 10250
Language of the material
Creation date
11/02/2014 17:36:28
Last modification
22/12/2014 12:07:54