Available services

Processo de empreitada nº 43/77 - Terraplanagens e drenagens para os acessos ferroviários à Petrogal e ao Posto de Manutenção - Consórcio Construterra/Construtora do Lena-Trabalhos de Terraplanagem, Lda.

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1977-11-24 Date is certain to 1984-03-22 Date is certain
Dimension and support
5 pt.; papel
Physical location
22/19994/2, 22/19994/3, 22/19994/4, 22/19995/1, 22/19995/2
Previous location
cx. 4122, ref. 10858, ref. 10859 e ref. 10860; cx. 4123, ref. 10861 e ref. 10862
Language of the material
Creation date
24/03/2014 13:02:35
Last modification
22/12/2014 12:08:10