Available services

Processo de empreitada nº 21/77 - Remodelação das redes pluvial e doméstica da vila de Sines - Fornecimento e montagem de equipamento - Tratel-Tratamento de Águas e Esgotos, SARL

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1978-05-17 Date is certain to 1987-06-23 Date is certain
Dimension and support
6 pt.; papel
Physical location
22/19982/4, 22/19983/1, 22/19983/2, 22/19983/3, 22/19983/4, 22/19984/1
Previous location
cx. 4110, ref. 10810; cx. 4111, ref. 10811, ref. 10812, ref. 10813 e ref. 10814; cx. 4112, ref. 10815
Language of the material
Creation date
21/03/2014 16:29:48
Last modification
22/12/2014 12:08:08